How to choose between a gerbil or a hamster?

If you're considering adopting a small rodent as a pet, you've probably already heard of gerbils and hamsters. Both are popular pets, but they have very different lifestyles and needs. So how do you choose between a gerbil or a hamster? Here are some tips to help you choose.

The differences between gerbils and hamsters

To get started, ask yourself what you want as an owner. Gerbils are more active and can be easier to handle, making them ideal for children and beginners. Hamsters, on the other hand, are more solitary and can be more difficult to handle. This makes them better suited for experienced owners.

Gerbils are smaller than hamsters

There are many differences between gerbils and hamsters, including their size, appearance and lifestyle. Gerbils are generally smaller than hamsterswith an average length of 9 to 10 cm. They also have a longer tail than hamsters, which allows them to jump and run better. In terms of appearance, gerbils have softer, silkier coats than hamsters, and their fur can be different colors. Hamsters, on the other hand, have rougher, shorter coats and are usually brown in color.

Gerbils are more playful

Gerbils are very popular animals. active and playful. They like to jump and run, and are able to jump very high. Hamsters, on the other hand, are calmer and more solitary. They generally prefer to stay in their nests and rarely come out. Gerbils are also more social than hamsters, and like to live in groups. Hamsters, on the other hand, are rather solitary animals and generally don't get along well with others.

Night or day?

In terms of their lifestyle, gerbils are nocturnal animals, while hamsters are diurnal animals. Gerbils are also more adaptable than hamsters and can easily adapt to different types of climates. Hamsters, on the other hand, are more sensitive to cold and need a warmer climate to feel comfortable.

Different needs

Gerbils need more space than hamsters because they are more active. They also like to have several companions of the same species, whereas hamsters prefer to be alone. Be sure to choose an enclosure large enough for the animal you want and place it in a quiet room in your home.

The life span

Les gerbilles ont une espérance de vie de 2 à 3 ans, tandis que les hamsters peuvent vivre jusqu’à 3 ans. Cela signifie que les gerbilles nécessiteront moins de soins à long terme, mais vous devrez peut-être en acheter plus fréquemment. Les hamsters, quant à eux, nécessiteront plus de soins, mais vous n’aurez pas à vous soucier de les remplacer aussi souvent.

Associated costs

Les gerbilles et les hamsters ont des coûts différents en termes d’alimentation, de logement et de soins. Les gerbilles ont besoin d’un espace plus grand et d’une alimentation plus élaborée, ce qui signifie que leur coût de possession est généralement plus élevé. Les hamsters, quant à eux, sont moins chers à entretenir, mais ils peuvent nécessiter plus de soins médicaux.

The advantages and disadvantages of gerbils and hamsters

Advantages of the gerbil:

  • Gerbils are very active and playful animals.
  • They like to run errands and have fun with their peers.
  • They are also very curious and like to explore their environment.
  • Gerbils are easy to care for and do not require much maintenance
  • They are also cleaner than hamsters because they have better hygiene.

Disadvantages of the gerbil:

  • Gerbils are very active animals and can be difficult to tame.
  • They are also very social and need the presence of other gerbils to be happy.
  • If not properly socialized, they can become aggressive.
  • Gerbils are also very curious and can easily escape from their cage if it is not well closed.

Advantages of the hamster:

  • Hamsters are very calm and easy to tame.
  • They are also very independent and do not need the presence of other animals to be happy.
  • Hamsters are easy to care for and do not require much maintenance.

Disadvantages of the hamster:

  • Hamsters are very solitary animals and generally do not get along well with other animals.
  • They are very fearful and can easily get hurt if handled awkwardly.
  • Hamsters can easily soil their cage if it is not cleaned regularly.

Which is better for you: a gerbil or a hamster?

In the end, before making your choice, take the time to consider the specific needs of each animal as well as your desires, and see which ones combine best. You now have all the information you need to choose between a gerbil or a hamster according to your needs and desires.