Can I give bread to my hamster?

There are many debates among pet owners about what their pets can and cannot eat. The same is true for hamsters, who are particularly sensitive to what they eat because of their small size and weak stomach. So yes or no, can I give my hamster bread?

Overall, bread is bad for hamsters

If you're in the habit of giving your hamster bread, you'd better stop. Why should you stop? Because on the one hand, bread is not a nutritious food source for hamsters, and on the other, it can be harmful to them. What's more, bread isn't a very balanced food source, and doesn't contain the vitamins and minerals your hamster needs to stay healthy. 

As you probably know, bread is mainly made from flour, water and yeast. But two of these constituents are harmful: 

  • The flour is a complex carbohydrate source that can be difficult to digest for hamsters
  • If the formation of yeast in the stomach exceeds a certain amount, it causes the process of fermentation. This, in turn, results from alcohol intoxication.

With the following consequences for your little friend in the medium/long term:

  • abdominal pain
  • digestive problems (bloated stomach, bloating)
  • loose stools
  • nausea/vomiting
  • the formation of gas from a thick gut that can cause respiratory failure
  • diarrhoea and renunciation of food;
  • heart disease
  • obesity

If you thought giving him bread was a good idea so he could gnaw on his teeth, you were wrong! Instead, give him a apple slice or a cucumber slice. Fruits and vegetables are a much healthier food source for them.

Because bread is a powerful source of carbohydrates, even a small piece of bread can cause obesity if you give it to him on a recurring basis.

As you will have understood, it is strongly recommended that you do not give your hamster bread, preferring certain foods specifically designed for hamsters, such as these for example:

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An exception: bread without yeast

Bread without yeast can possibly be given to a hamster, in small quantities only.

Indeed, unlike traditional bread or baguette, this kind of bread will bring the hamster not only a certain pleasure, but also a benefit. Why? Precisely because the bread without yeast... has no yeast, which removes one hell of a problem as mentioned in the beginning of this article.

Another possibility: dry croutons

Les croûtons secs, contrairement au pain et sous réserve d’une composition approprié peuvent être donné à votre animal. Les hamsters sont naturellement adaptés à la consommation d’aliments solides (ce que sont les croûtons à l’inverse du pain) et de ce point de vue là, ils sont bien meilleurs pour les dents de vos petits rongeurs.  A noter également que le « fait-maison » sera one ne peut plus apprécié par votre ami !


There's no need to stress if you've already fed your furry friend bread before reading this article. The danger lies mainly in the frequency and repetition of poor nutrition. And remember, at the end of the day life of hamsters depends on the quality of the care you give them, including food!