All about the Chinese hamster

The Chinese hamster (or Chinese hamster) is part of the dwarf hamsters, and has a color little varied unlike other hamsters whose coats can be very different within the same race. Visually, it looks like a cross between a hamster and a mouse.

Description of the Chinese hamster

Relatively little sold in pet stores, here is how to distinguish it:

  • One size from 6 to 10 cm
  • it has a small tail up to 3 cm
  • it weighs between 40 and 80 grams.
  • the shape of the body resembles that of the Russian hamster
  • Grey on the back and white on the belly
  • It has a dark stripe on the back
  • It has a soft and silky coat
  • The females can have up to 5 little ones at a time
  • Gestation of 20 days

Origins of the Chinese hamster

Not sure I need to answer this question but just in case: the Chinese hamster comes from the desert areas of Mongolia and ... northeast China. Not very original indeed!

It spread in the West at the beginning of the 20th century, mainly because it was used to perform laboratory tests.

Behavior and character of the Chinese hamster

The main traits of the Chinese hamster are :

  • they are very agile and like climbing and jumping
  • they are not neither fearful nor biting
  • nor the most addendumnor the most curious hamsters
  • Soft, but difficult to keep in hand because they keep moving
  • They are stress-sensitive
  • They are nocturnal and will spend most of the day sleeping. They are very active at night and can make a lot of noise running in their wheel.
  • They like to live alone and gathering only to reproduce. It is therefore useless to find many companions for fear that there will be only one left at the end!

Life span of a Chinese hamster

Chinese hamsters are relatively robust animals that can live an average of 2 to 3 years in captivity. They are, however, susceptible to respiratory diseases, so they must be raised in a clean environment if they are to reach this age.

Feeding a Chinese hamster

Chinese hamsters are omnivorous animals. They eat mainly grains, fruits and vegetables. They also like insects and small animals.

Ideally, they should be fed with a special mixture of pellets for hamsters, qui peut être acheté dans les animaleries. Ils aiment aussi les légumes frais et les fruits, comme les carottes, les courgettes, les pommes et les poires. Ne nourrissez pas les hamsters chinois avec des aliments trop gras, trop sucrés ou trop salés, car cela peut entrainer du diabète chez ces petits animaux.

Also make sure to provide them with a little grass or hay which will be very appreciated by these small rodents because of their fiber content.

Is the Chinese hamster recommended for children?

Tous les hamsters sont envisageables pour les enfants. Mais celui-ci l’est peut être un peu moins que le hamster russe ou doré par exemple, car bien qu’inoffensif, il est dans la plupart des cas less sociable and more independentThis can be frustrating for a young master.

Taking good care of a Chinese hamster

The Chinese hamster needs a spacious enclosure with hiding places, toys and litter. The litter must be changed regularly to avoid odors. Chinese hamsters are rodents and should have a gnawing block in their enclosure. They also like to scratch and dig, so put some dirt in their enclosure for them to play in.

Chinese hamsters are very clean animals and do not require much care. They wash themselves with their hind legs and do not require baths. However, they often like to play in water so it is recommended to provide them with a small water bowl.

They are therefore very active and as such need a large enough space to run and play. A cage of 60 cm long and 30 cm wide is ideal for a Chinese hamster. The cage should be equipped with a wheel, a house, a litter box and a water container. Chinese hamsters also like to scratch and play with plastic toys, such as balls or rings.

Where to buy a Chinese hamster?

They are less and less frequent in pet shops, because they have been replaced by hamster, such as the Syrian hamster, the golden hamster or the Russian hamster.

If your choice is a Chinese hamster, you can find one in a shelter or in a at a breeder'sEach has its advantages and disadvantages. Shelters will offer hamsters for adoption, but with little choice. This is an interesting option for people who want to give a home to an animal in need. In addition, shelters may not have the same selection of breeds as a breeder and may not be able to provide specific information about the animal's history or temperament. Breeders, on the other hand, are experts and will be able to help you find the perfect Chinese hamster for your needs, but for a higher price. 

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