The Angora hamster

Well apart in the category of hamsters, I named the Angora hamster. You will quickly identify it because of its long hairs which are characteristic of its species. But in fact, is it really a species of hamster in its own right?

Where does the Angora hamster come from?

On pense qu’il est apparu pour la première fois en Angleterre au milieu du 19ème siècle. Le hamster Angora est une sous-espèce de hamster nain domestique qui a été développée à partir du hamster doré de Syrie. Certains éleveurs ne le considèrent donc pas comme une espèce à part entière, mais tous les spécialistes ne sont pas de cet avis. Seul point sur lequel tous les passionnés s’accorderont : ce petit mammifère fait partie de la famille des cricetidae.

Angora hamsters are believed to have been introduced to Europe in the 1930s, and were imported to the United States in the 1940s. Angora hamsters became very popular as pets in the 1950s and 1960s. Since then, they have gained popularity all over the world. Angora hamsters are now one of the most popular species of domestic hamsters.

The Angora hamster: a long-haired hamster

It is characterized by itssilky fur and bushy tail. They can measure up to 12 cm long, including their tails, and generally weigh around 100 to 150 grams.

Angora hamsters are usually white, but can also be grey, black, brown, cream or red. Their long and silky fur is soft to the touch. They therefore need regular brushing to avoid knots in that soft tuft of hair! Males are generally larger than females and have longer fur.

Very sociable and like to playThey are at least as curious as our human children, with whom they will undoubtedly make friends very quickly. Their side easy to train is an additional asset to get them adopted by children.

angora hamster

Character and behavior

Generally very gentle and affectionateAngora hamsters love to be petted and cuddled. They are known to be one of the calmest and easiest hamster species to handle. They are considered very intelligent and can learn to do simple tricks. To sum it up: they are an adorable little ball of fur.

Not content with being very affectionate and calm, they are also gentle, cuddly and playful! So many characteristics that make them predestined to become a ideal pet for children.

Ideal for children you said?

Yes, if and only if they don't sleep in the child's room at night! Otherwise, beware of unwanted awakenings! Indeed, Angora hamsters are nocturnal animals and spend most of their time sleeping during the day. On the other hand, they are very active during the night and can travel up to 8 km in their wheel, which is sure to cause a lot of noise.

At dusk, they start to go out and play

They love to play with wheels and balls, and have also been known to dig tunnels in their cage. Angora hamsters are generally very curious, which makes them fun to watch. They are very clean animals who spend a lot of time licking and grooming themselves. They also like to play in their litter box, which can help them clean their fur.

The food of the Angora hamster

L’alimentation du hamster Angora est capitale pour son bien-être. Mettez à disposition de votre hamster une balanced and nutritious dietIt is recommended to give your hamster a small amount of food in small pieces. It is recommended to give your hamster a small amount of food in small pieces, because they have a very small dentition.

Foods to avoid are those that are high in sugar, starch or fat, as they can cause health problems in your Angora.

As for the food recommended for the Angora hamster, we will favor seeds, fruits, vegetables and herbs. Again, Angora hamsters need a balanced diet and access to clean water.

They are very sensitive to changes in their diet, so avoid frequent variations in the type of food given, and if you wish to give them new foods, introduce them gradually.

Care of the Angora hamster

This is the weak point of this species of hamster: if its fur is so soft and a source of many cuddles, it is nevertheless a major drawback: it is necessary to brush their fur regularly to avoid knots and lint and to prevent its hair from becoming matted.

Angora hamsters need a spacious habitat with a wheel, toys and hiding places. They are very sensitive to heat and cold. They are also prone to respiratory diseases. Angora hamsters are very fragile and must be handled with care.

What is its life expectancy?

L’espérance de vie d’un hamster Angora est de 2 to 3 years generally speaking, even if the most robust of them, if they are well fed and live in a peaceful space, can live up to 5 years in captivity.

Buy an Angora hamster

Whether it is at a éleveur ou en animalerieThis species is less common than the traditional Syrian, golden or Russian hamsters for example, their price is slightly higher que ces hamsters ordinaires. Il est souvent vendu sous la dénomination de « hamster à poils longs »

Video on the Syrian Angora hamster