Help your hamster cool off in the heat

As temperatures rise, your hamster can suffer from the heat. Take steps to protect it and provide a cool environment with a few simple tips.

Check the temperature of the cage regularly

Make sure that the temperature in the cage your hamster's temperature remains within a reasonable, if not comfortable, range. Generally speaking, hamsters can tolerate temperatures between 18°C and 24°C.

Beyond this limit, they may be prone to heat stroke. Check the temperature of the cage regularly with a thermometer and adjust it if necessary.

Move the cage to a cool area

If your hamster's cage is too hot, consider moving it to a cooler area of the house. Avoid sunny areas, close to windows or heat sources such as radiators.

Although it's important to keep the cage cool, you shouldn't place it directly in a draught either. Sudden changes in temperature can be harmful to your hamster.

Refresh the cage

There are many ways to freshen up the cage and help your hamster feel more at home. Here are a few ideas:

  • Tile Place a piece of tile or a small ceramic plate in the cage. These materials retain freshness well, so your hamster can lie on them to cool off.
  • Wet sponge Put a damp (but not dripping) sponge in the corner of the cage. The evaporation of the water will help lower the temperature slightly.
  • Frozen bottle Fill a plastic bottle with water and freeze it. Wrap it in a cloth and place it in the cage. Your hamster can lean against the bottle to cool off.

Change bottle water regularly

Make sure your hamster always has access to fresh water on hot days! In fact, this is the most important tip, because it's vital. Change the water in your hamster's bottle at least once a day, and check often to make sure it's not empty or blocked.

Offer water-rich foods

Votre animal peut également tirer profit de l’eau contenue dans certains aliments frais. Les légumes tels que le concombre et la laitue sont de bonnes sources de (ré)hydratation pour votre hamster.

Watch for signs of dehydration

In hot weather, it's crucial to regularly monitor your hamster's health. Here are some signs of dehydration to look out for:

  • Lethargy: a dehydrated hamster will be less active than usual
  • Dull coat: a healthy hamster's coat is generally shiny and well-groomed.
  • Sunken eyes: sunken or hollow eyes can be a sign of severe dehydration

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If you notice any of these signs in your hamster, consult a vet as soon as possible.

Maintain good ventilation

Good ventilation is essential to keep the cage temperature at a comfortable level. Make sure your hamster's cage is well ventilated, and avoid anything that might impede air circulation, such as blankets or canvas.

Metal wire cages generally offer better ventilation than plastic cages. If you live in an area prone to high temperatures, consider investing in this type of cage.

Reduce stress

Stress can exacerbate heat-related problems in your hamster. Avoid unnecessary handling of your pet in hot weather, and reduce potential sources of stress, such as loud noises and sudden movements.

By following these simple tips, you'll help your hamster feel more comfortable and stay healthy during hot weather. Remember, if you suffer in the heat, so does he!

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