How fast does a hamster run?

Have you ever watched your hamster run frantically in its wheel or around its cage? If so, you've seen that they can reach astonishing speeds when they need to. So, how fast can a hamster run?

A hamster can run up to 10 km/h, le hamster syrien étant le champion des hamsters dans la discipline.

How fast can a hamster run?

If you have to answer simply and straightforwardly, a hamster's speed is generally between 5 and 10 kilometers per hour. Et ne sous-estimez surtout pas les plus petits de la bande, comme les hamsters nains et les hamsters syriens. Ils sont aussi capables d’atteindre cette allure !

In fact, you might be surprised to learn that Syrian hamsters are the true track stars of all hamster species.

Of course, not all hamsters run at exactly the same speed - and that's what makes them so charming, isn't it? Every hamster is unique!

The hamster, aka Speedy Gonzales

Nous avons mentionné le hamster syrien précédemment, cet athlète des rongeurs qui, grâce à la taille de ses membres, est couronné comme étant le hamster le plus rapide. Avec des pattes plus grandes que celles d’un hamster nain, le syrien peut parcourir une plus grande distance en moins de temps que son petit cousin. Cependant, ne vous y trompez pas, le hamster nain a beau être plus petit, il n’en demeure pas moins extrêmement agile, même s’il doit se reposer un peu plus entre ses sprints.

super-fast running hamster
super-fast running hamster

Make no mistake, hamsters haven't been living in cages since the dawn of time. They're equipped with everything they need to dodge, hide and evade predators - so, in reality, hamsters are more agile than they are swift.

By the way, why do hamsters run?

Simply put, hamsters run for two main reasons. Before we explain, here's a hilarious video:

Fear of predators

La première raison de leur course effrénée (et c’est un véritable effort pour ces petits êtres) est la pression des prédateurs. Par « pression des prédateurs », comprenez que les hamsters n’ont pas toujours été des animaux de compagnie domestiques. Ils devaient survivre à l’état sauvage, et leur course est un pur instinct de survie.

So if you wake up one night because your hamster has decided to go for a night jog on its wheel, it's because, somewhere in their instincts, they feel the need to do so.

Unfortunately, hamsters are prey animals, which means that when they lived in the wild, they were rather vulnerable. Consequently, they had to develop fast reaction times and be able to sense when they were in danger, so they knew when to take to their heels.

Notice how your hamster pauses when using its wheel! And why is that? Because in the wild, they would have had to pause to determine where their predator was hiding, which in turn would have given them time to calculate their next move.

Their territory

La seconde raison pour laquelle les hamsters courent concerne le territoire. Avant d’être votre animal de compagnie préféré, ils étaient habitués à être des chercheurs de nourriture à l’état sauvage. Ils devaient trouver un habitat sûr, pas trop éloigné d’une source de nourriture, et à proximité d’autres hamsters pour pouvoir se reproduire.

Of course, different hamsters require different amounts of space to live happily. This is something we see clearly in the different sizes of cages we buy for our pets. So, even though these creatures are rather small, they really can cover a lot of ground when they need to.

Hamsters are very active creatures, working hard to collect food and store it so that it lasts them a long time. Of course, your domestic hamster doesn't need to do this, but you might notice that he hides food under his straw, a little reserve for a rainy day.

Give him everything he needs to run!

Clearly, your hamster is full of energy. So it's crucial, if you have one, to make sure its cage is well equipped. The aim is to keep him busy and allow him to release all that energy (positive, of course).

Une roue de hamster est un classique. Il existe aussi de nombreux jouets à mâcher pour hamster. Ceux-ci sont excellents pour leurs dents et constituent une belle distraction. Ils permettent au hamster de jouer tout en étant stimulé.

When cleaning the cage, a hamster ball is essential. It allows your hamster to run around and expend its energy. What's more, it makes it easier for him to find his way around, giving him total freedom of movement. The ball is a must!

In conclusion, a word of advice: if you take your hamster out of its cage, don't let it out of your sight. Because, let's be honest, he could be hard to catch!

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