Why do hamsters eat their babies?

hamster eat their babies

Your hamsters can be full of surprises, some good, some not so good. Like the fact, disconcerting as it may seem, that mother hamsters can eat their babies. Why does this happen? Can it be avoided? The animal world and cannibalization In nature, cannibalization is not a taboo subject, nor is ... Read more

Is it possible to train a hamster?

train or tame a hamster

Avant tout, prenez conscience que « dresser » ou « apprivoiser » dans une moindre mesure un hamster, sont de bien grands mots. Un hamster est un animal indépendant par nature, et il est parfois difficile d’établir une relation de confiance avec eux. Si vous avez adopté un hamster ou envisagez de le faire, il existe toutefois quelques conseils … Read more

How do I know if my hamster is happy?

happy hamster in the garden

To make sure these little fur balls are living their lives to the fullest and feeling good about their environment, you can easily detect certain signs that indicate their well-being. Here's how to tell if your hamster is happy with its environment. Hamster body language is a key indicator One of the best ways to tell if your hamster is happy with its ... Read more

Which hamster is the most cuddly?

little girl gives a hug to her hamster

Hamsters are very popular animals, especially as pets. There are four main species of hamsters: Syrian or golden hamsters, Russian and Chinese dwarf hamsters, and Roborovskis. Each of these species may be different, but all are adorable and playful. So, what type of hamster is ... Read more

Which is the nicest hamster?

If you've ever owned a hamster, you know how cute and affectionate they can be. But did you know that there are several species of hamsters, and that some of them are more friendly than others with humans? In this article, we will introduce you to the different species of hamsters, and give you some tips on how to keep them in good health... Read more

Why do hamsters do cartwheels?

Hamsters do cartwheels because it is a natural instinct for them! It allows them to exercise and expend their energy. Hamsters can run up to 5 miles a night while cartwheeling. Cartwheels are a great exercise for hamsters Cartwheels are a great exercise for hamsters. Read more

My hamster is scared

Your hamster is scared and you don't know how to help it? Hamsters are very sensitive animals and it is sometimes difficult to know what they are afraid of. In this article, we'll give you some tips on how to help your hamster overcome its fears. Possible Causes of Hamster Anxiety Hamster anxiety is a ... Read more

Why is my hamster shaking?

It is normal for your hamster to shake from time to time. This may be a normal reaction to stress or illness. If your hamster shakes frequently or if you have other symptoms, consult your veterinarian. Possible Causes of Trembling in Hamsters Trembling in hamsters is common and can be caused by a number of factors. Read more