Raising and caring for Syrian hamsters

two Syrian baby hamsters

Syrian hamsters make excellent pets because, once you get to know them, they are easy to care for. Before you decide to bring one home, do your research to make sure it's an animal you'll really enjoy. Learn more about caring for a Syrian Hamster at ... Read more

5 popular hamster breeds: which one is right for you?

Are you thinking of getting a hamster in the near future? There are several breeds of hamster, but which one is best for you? They are in all cases excellent pets, are small and do not take up too much space, are super cute and cuddly. However, each hamster has its own characteristics... Read more

The Angora hamster

Well apart in the category of hamsters, I named the Angora hamster. You will quickly identify it because of its long hairs which are characteristic of its species. But in fact, is it really a species of hamster in its own right? Where does the Angora hamster come from? It is thought that it appeared for the first time ... Read more

Reproduction in the hamster

A female can be fertile every 4 days, so if you have put a female in heat and a male in the same cage, you probably want to know how much time you have left before the arrival of the young, also called gestation period. Yes, but by the way, how does reproduction work in the ... Read more

How many babies do hamsters make?

Hamsters have a short life cycle, generally living between 1 and 3 years, and can have on average up to 12 babies at a time. The number of babies in a litter depends on several criteria: the age of the parents, the breeding period and especially the hamster's hope How many babies do hamsters have? Read more

Where to buy a hamster?

You can buy a hamster in 4 different places: a pet store, a specialized breeder, an animal shelter, or from a private individual who has had a litter. Each of these places has advantages and disadvantages, which we outline below. Whichever option you choose, make sure you are sure to get the right one. Read more

The first days of a hamster

Les jours qui suivent la naissance du petit rongeur sont pleine d’émotions, vous aurez à c?ur de regarder le développement de votre nouveau petit protégé, et avec un peu d’attention vous vous apercevrez que chaque jour ou presque, il évolue. Ses premiers jours de vie, le petit rongeur évolue très vite. Vous pourrez observer les … Read more

The age of hamsters

Même si cela dépend légèrement de l’espèce, on peut considérer qu’un hamster est jeune si il a moins de 4 à 6 mois, stade auquel il devient adulte, avant d’être considéré comme vieux dès qu’il dépasse les 30 mois. Le déroulement du cycle de vie du hamster est bien connu, et là encore même si … Read more

Comparative : which hamster to choose ?

Choosing which breed of hamster to adopt depends mainly on your desires as well as its future living conditions. Before knowing which species to buy, you should ask yourself the following questions: do you want to buy a hamster to pet it or to look at it? Will it be offered to youngsters or even ... Read more

All about the Chinese hamster

The Chinese hamster (or Chinese hamster) is part of the dwarf hamsters, and has a color little varied unlike other hamsters whose coats can be very different within the same race. Visually, it looks like a cross between a hamster and a mouse. Description of the Chinese hamster Relatively little sold in pet shops, ... Read more