Comment faire un « lit » pour hamster ?

Have you recently adopted a hamster and want to give it the comfort and well-being it deserves? You've come to the right place! In this article, we will explain how to make a proper hamster bed. Follow our tips and your little friend will be delighted! Prepare your pet's bed... Read more

Choosing the best toy for my hamster

Hamsters are very active animals and need a stimulating environment. Rolling toys are perfect for hamsters because they can help them exercise and entertain themselves, but they're not the only ones - far from it! Labyrinths, tunnels, numerous and varied toys for your little companion ... Read more

My hamster is losing its hair

Is your hamster shedding and you don't know what to do? Hamster hair can naturally fall out in small amounts, but this is not the case when they are sick or stressed. So, if you notice your hamster is shedding a lot, consult a veterinarian to make sure there is no problem. Read more

How to carry a hamster?

Il y a plusieurs façons de porter un hamster. Vous pouvez le porter dans vos bras, dans une poche, dans une cage spéciale ou dans une petite caisse. Le tout est de bien le sécuriser pour qu’il ne s’échappe pas et surtout, ne se blesse pas. Prendre un hamster en toute sécurité Prenez toujours quelques … Read more

Maintaining my hamster's cage

A hamster's cage should be cleaned at least once a week to ensure a clean and comfortable environment for the animal. The first step is to remove all bedding, food and water from the cage. The next step is to scrub the cage with warm soapy water. Be sure to rinse the cage thoroughly... Read more

How to prepare my hamster's cage?

Avant d’accueillir un nouveau hamster dans votre foyer, préparez sa cage en y installant les différents éléments dont il aura besoin. Voici quelques conseils pour bien préparer la cage de votre hamster. Choisir le bon type de cage pour son hamster Il existe plusieurs types de cages pour hamster sur le marché, et il peut … Read more

How to wash a hamster?

Contrairement aux autres animaux domestiques, les hamsters n’ont pas besoin d’être lavés avec de l’eau. En fait, les immerger dans l’eau peut être très dangereux pour eux. Voici quelques raisons pour lesquelles il est déconseillé de laver un hamster avec de l’eau : Utiliser un bain de sable comme alternative à l’eau Heureusement, il existe … Read more

My hamster is scared

Your hamster is scared and you don't know how to help it? Hamsters are very sensitive animals and it is sometimes difficult to know what they are afraid of. In this article, we'll give you some tips on how to help your hamster overcome its fears. Possible Causes of Hamster Anxiety Hamster anxiety is a ... Read more

What does a hamster eat?

A hamster's diet is an important factor in maintaining its health and well-being. Your hamster needs a balanced and varied diet to help it develop and stay healthy. There are many foods available for hamsters, including pellets, jelly foods, flake foods, etc. Read more