Is it possible to train a hamster?

Avant tout, prenez conscience que « dresser » ou « apprivoiser » dans une moindre mesure un hamster, sont de bien grands mots. Un hamster est un animal indépendant par nature, et il est parfois difficile d’établir une relation de confiance avec eux.

If you have adopted a hamster or are thinking of adopting one, there are a few things you can do to create a close bond with your pet.

Think hamster!

To try and tame a hamster, observe its natural behavior. Hamsters are nocturnal animals, spending most of the day asleep. They can be very sensitive to loud noises and rapid movements, which can make them nervous and fearful.

Also bear in mind that, as with humans, every hamster has its own personality: some are very easy to tame, others never will be.

To develop a trusting relationship with your hamster, respect its personal space. This is a sine qua non condition. Avoid waking him up during the day and let him get used to your presence by approaching him slowly. You can also speak softly to your hamster to help him get used to you. become familiar with your voice.

Set up an appropriate environment


L’un des meilleurs conseils : commencez à socialiser votre hamster dès son plus jeune âge. Cela signifie l’exposer régulièrement à diverses situations et personnes pour qu’il s’habitue à la présence humaine. La socialisation permettra à votre hamster de se sentir plus à l’aise lorsqu’il interagit avec vous et facilitera ainsi le « dressage ».


The right environment is crucial to helping your hamster feel safe and relaxed. Make sure his cage is large enough and equipped with accessories such as toys, pipes and ladders to keep him mentally stimulated.

Also consider adding nesting material so your hamster can hide and sleep comfortably.

Build a smooth relationship

Start by approaching the cage slowly so that your hamster gets used to your presence. Take the time to sit by the cage and talk to your hamster in a soft voice, so that he learns to recognize your voice and associate you with positive experiences.

Establishing a relationship with a hamster takes time and patience. Here are a few steps you can take to gently tame your hamster:

  1. Getting used to your presence: spend time near your hamster's cage every day, speaking softly and avoiding sudden movements. This will help your hamster get used to your presence and your voice.
  2. Use treats: Offer your hamster tasty treats, such as pieces of fresh fruit or vegetables, to help it associate your presence with something positive.
  3. Gradually introduce your hands: After a few days, slowly place your hand inside the cage, avoiding touching your hamster directly. Let him approach and sniff your hand at his own pace.
  4. Lift the hamster carefully: une fois que votre hamster semble à l’aise avec la présence de votre main dans sa cage, essayez de le soulever doucement en plaçant une main sous son ventre et l’autre sur son dos. Assurez-vous de le soutenir fermement mais sans le serrer pour éviter de lui causer du stress ou de la peur.

Rewarding positive behavior

When taming your hamster, don't forget to reward positive behavior with treats or verbal praise. This will help strengthen the relationship between you and your pet and encourage your hamster to continue interacting with you in a positive way.

Managing behavioral issues

You may encounter behavioral problems in your hamster, such as biting or aggression. Here are some tips for dealing with these problems:

  • Avoid punishing your hamster: never shout or hit your hamster in response to bad behavior. This will only increase their fear and distrust of you.
  • Identify the cause of the problem: Hamsters may bite or be aggressive for a variety of reasons, such as fear, pain or stress. Try to determine the cause of your hamster's behavior and take steps to correct it.
  • Give your hamster some space: If your hamster is aggressive or nervous, give it some space to calm down before trying to tame it again.

Taming a hamster takes time, patience and an understanding of their natural behavior. By respecting your pet's personal space, setting up an appropriate environment and following the steps described above, you'll be able to develop a solid, trusting relationship with your hamster.

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