What is the sex of my hamster?

This is a question that many hamster owners ask themselves. It's not always easy to determine the sex of a hamster, especially if you're not familiar with the anatomical characteristics of the two sexes. Fortunately, there are a few ways to tell if your hamster is male or female. In this article, we'll explain how to determine the sex of your hamster based on its physical appearance and behavior.

Male or female, how to distinguish them?

When you adopt a hamster or when you buys it in a pet shopIt is rare to know your gender in advance.

There are several methods to determine the sex of a hamster. The most reliable method is to examine the anatomy of the animal:

  • Hamsters males have a scrotal pouch located below their abdomen. They also have testicles that can be seen or felt through the skin.
  • Female hamsters do not have a scrotal pouch and their vulva is located closer to their anus.

The dwarf hamsters generally have a larger genital opening than Syrian hamsters, ce qui rend plus facile de les sexer. Cependant, il est toujours préférable de demander l’aide d’un vétérinaire ou d’un éleveur expérimenté pour s’assurer que le sexe de l’animal est correctement déterminé.

Physical characteristics of male and female hamsters

Male and female hamsters have slightly different physical characteristics. Males are generally a little larger than females, and have a denser coat. Females generally have a finer, silkier coat. Both sexes have similar length legs and tails. Males generally have slightly better hearing and eyesight than females. Females generally have a more sensitive sense of smell than males.

Hamsters are solitary animals and, in general, males do not get along with females.

Male hamsters are generally larger than females, with thicker fur. They also have a gland on their belly, called Cauvet's gland, which is absent in females.

Another way to determine the sex of a hamster is to look at its posture. Males tend to stand upright on their hind legs, while females tend to bend over.

Differences in behaviour

There are many differences between male and female hamsters in terms of their behavior. Male hamsters can sometimes be more aggressive and harder to handle. They are also more likely to escape from their cage. Female hamsters, on the other hand, are generally calmer and easier to handle.
This being the case, do not assume that a species of hamster is nicer than any other, because regardless of their sex or species, their personality is a much more determining criterion in this regard.

What are the specific needs of male and female hamsters?

Male and female hamsters have slightly different needs. Males are generally more active, and need a larger space in which to exercise. Females, on the other hand, are a little calmer and can make do with a smaller space.

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